Well, today was the last official day of summer. Although a sad realization, I'll admit I'm kind of eager for fall to start. And with the risk of sounding even nerdier, I'll say it, I like school. I'm the girl who spends her days studying, reading and writing. This is my last year in middle school and next year I start high school. To add to the pressure, high schools in New York are extremely competitive, the one that I want to attend, Stuyvesant HS, is probably one of the most competitive with 27,000 students applying and only around 2,000 getting in.
Well, babbling aside, we went to 17th street for some last minute shopping and later ate around there at a place called Dogmatic where they serve "gourmet sausages" inside a baguette.
Afterwards, we went to Union Square, where we went to the Green Market. Green Markets are great, you can buy produce, cheeses, breads or even sweets of any kind- all organically produced. Apart from everything having great flavor at cheap prices, the atmosphere is amazingly refreshing.